Airport Tips
Airport Etiquette

Airport Tips

Airport Etiquette

November 5, 2015
5 Min Read

Airports can sometimes be as foreign as the destination you’re traveling to, or in other cases, it can be someone’s everyday office as they jump on and off flights for their career. No matter what brings you to an airport, it’s important to educate yourself on the dos and don’ts of airport etiquette.

Pack smart

Pack smart and don’t forget about security. No large liquids, sharp objects, wrapped gifts, etc. in carry-on luggage. You won’t get it through security and instead may lose your items and also slow yourself, and everyone else down.

Pack lightly. There is nothing worse than lugging around a gargantuan bag of stuff in an airport while trying to get through security or boarding the plane. Instead, try a light tightly packed bag with only the essentials you will need.

Arrive to the airport on time

By on time, that does not mean 10 minutes before you depart. It’s hard to have pity for those running through the airport, trying to cut lines through security. Everyone at the airport is trying to go somewhere.

At smaller airports, much like OAJ, some travelers tend to arrive 10 minutes before flight time thinking that because it’s a smaller airport, the timing is different. However, that is not the case. With OAJ, just like any larger airport, you need to arrive at least an hour before take-off so that the airport and airline have time to secure your baggage and load it on to the plane, otherwise you are out of luck. The airlines are required to stop accepting baggage and checking in passengers 30 minutes before departure.

Most people don’t take the risk of missing their flight; therefore, you’ll find them cutting the stress and arriving early, with more than enough time for check-in, perhaps a cup of coffee and a little gift shopping. Arriving on time isn’t as unpleasant as some make it seem, and it will in turn, make all other airport goers a lot less irritable.

Be ready for Security

Seasoned traveler or not, it should be understood that airport security is at an all-time high, especially in a military town. We all know the drill: shoes off, laptops out, no jewelry, no coins, body scans, etc. This will not change anytime soon.

There are those who complain about the heightened security measures, saying that the extreme measures cause delays in airport security, but that’s not the case. It’s those folks who have pockets full of change, or have on too much jewelry.

It’s simple. If you want to wear these things, or have them on your person, please do so, but either, take them off before entering the security line or have them in your carry on so you can put them on after security. Essentially, this will help things run much smoother, because there is nothing worse than having one person walk through the metal detector four times, each time unloading another piece of metal.

Wait patiently

If there is a line, wait patiently. Whether you are a gentleman or a lady, always offer a senior citizen, disabled, pregnant or military a spot before yourself. It’s the nice and respectful thing to do. Remember that the airline agents are working to get everyone on the flight for an on time departure.

Inside voices

Traveling is exciting! However, for many, it is also the perfect place to relax, or it’s just a stressful situation. It does not help when people are yelling, talking incredibly loudly amongst each other or on the phone. It’s important to have fun, and laugh, but to also be respectful.

Be respectful of those around you

Sometimes you might be spoken to spontaneously by other travelers and it's important to listen and answer to the best of your ability. While answering and speaking to people, you don't need to be to thin-skinned and snap back a response.

It's highly likely that you will never see this individual ever again. If asked where certain places are or what the time is, be helpful and courteous, then be on your way.

Use headphones

Sounds from music and moves are a great way to keep entertained while at the airport. However, beats, pings, clicks, and swipes do get bothersome after a while and can intrude on the people around you.

Everyone has their own music tastes as well, so even though blaring Taylor Swift is your norm at home, in an airport people want to relax or wait, in peace.

Have your boarding pass ready

While this may seem obvious to some, there’s always someone who leaves their boarding pass at the bottom of their bag and stops the line to search for it. To save the time of the airline, other people and yourself, it's important to have your ticket ready to go and not at the bottom of your carry-on luggage.

Share the overhead bin

Don’t take up huge amounts of overhead storage space with coats strewn about. Leave space for others. At the same time, please also don’t take it upon yourself to move everyone’s stuff around.

Let those with tight connections deplane first

This is something cabin crews request over and over again when flying to a major hub with delays. It always seems like a race to who can get off the plane first but the truth is if this is your final destination, you have more time than other people who are connecting at the airport. Delays only exacerbate that. Besides, you never know when it’s your turn to be stuck with the tight connection.

Flying has become more challenging than ever with the regulations, security, and extra seats crammed into the planes. After standing in line to have your bags checked, your body frisked, and your ID inspected, you’re not in the mood to deal with rude passengers.

All in all, traveling is a wonderful experience, especially if you are going on vacation. Airport etiquette is a great way to lessen any stress that you feel as you are exploring the world. Make your trip more enjoyable by learning and applying some good manners during the experience.

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