There is a definite trend with airlines in 2017, and it may not be a good one. This trend involves the increase of late flights arriving more than 14 minutes behind the scheduled time. Out of all the flights in February 2017, 82.6 percent arrived at their destination within 14 minutes of the scheduled arrival time. According to the Associated Press, Delta and American are the top 2 airlines for being on time to their destinations!
With flight times often being delayed, we at OAJ thought we would offer tips on what to do if you find yourself dealing with a delayed flight!
1. Know why your flight is late or delayed.

As a passenger, it is your right to know why your flight is delayed. Flights are delayed for many reasons, including computer glitches, weather conditions, staffing errors, plane maintenance, etc. It is always an excellent idea to know what’s going on so that you can best assess your situation and figure out the best way for you to handle your delayed flight.
2. Seek Assistance ASAP
This one may seem like a no-brainer, but you wouldn’t believe how many passengers try to wait out the long line at the counter to then be one of the last people helped. When you make it to the counter, you will want to inquire about which planes are taking off on time, as well as if there is a way you can change your travel plans, if there is a time constraint on your trip. If you do not take getting this information seriously, you may miss out on opportunities to solve your problem because those ahead of you in line have already taken those.
3. Contact your travel agent
Most people when they first get word that their flight is delayed, panic and can make matters worse for themselves. Before you lose your mind or make a fool of yourself in front of the whole terminal, go ahead and call your travel agent- chances are he/she will be able to find a backup solution to get you on your way ASAP.
4. Always Keep Track of Names and Times
If you are not having any luck finding out information or run into any difficult situations with the airline staff simply record their name and the time that the conversation occurred. Do not go to social media to complain about this employee as a professionally written email or letter will better suit the situation.
5. Be Considerate
Finally, keep in mind that the gateman is a human too and he might not have the exact information you are looking for at the exact moment you’re requesting it. The airline staff is not against you, in fact, we want things to run smoother than most consumers do! Flying is supposed to make things easier for the passenger, and it is our goal to ensure that everyone has a positive experience and that they will want to travel with us again.
We hope that these five tips are helpful the next time that you are stuck in an unfortunate airport situation. We do our best at OAJ to ensure that your travel will be smooth and seamless. We truly have each and every passenger’s best interest in our minds at all times.
Do you have an upcoming trip? Book your flight with OAJ today! Click HERE to see our future flight schedules- we look forward to flying with you!